

Football is a game you play with your brain

– Johan Cruyff

We call this update “Your Game” because it allows you to set-up the game to your tastes.

Game modesYou asked us to give you cheat codes. We give you even more. Feel yourself a mogul who invests in the team an unlimited amount of money. Just select the option “Easy money”.

You asked us to give you the possibility to start with the weaker team. Want to build your club from the ground? We created for you the mode “Hard start”. We even added one new achievement for playing in this mode.

Want to experiment with the longer matches? Didn’t like when footballers played not on their positions? Tired of the injuries? Like to sell the footballers for the maximum price? Just check the new possibilities at the start of the game.

Game modesBut there is one thing you asked most of all. More save slots. So we finally added them! Now you can start few campaigns at once, try different modifications, experiment with new game modes and options.

And lastly, for those, who wanted to use tho logo of your favorite team, we added the possibility to do it. Just find a picture in a format *.png 300×300 pixels with transparency, and upload it to your logo.

Game modesWant to add real (or funny, or whatever) logotypes to all teams in a league?

In the renewed Leagues Editor you can do it. Moreover, now you can change the places of the teams in the leagues if you want to change their positions. This guide shows how it’s easy to edit leagues.


Thank you for your Steam reviews, suggestions, youtube-reviews, participation in localization and other help. Together we will make Football Tactics even better.

Play the game you way!